August 12, 2007

Good news!

After quitting smoking, having one or two drinks a day is the best single thing you can do for your cardiovascular health. It's better than losing weight, better than getting more exercise, and better than lowering your cholesterol.


The benefits to alcohol consumption are absolutely clear. Drinking five to six drinks a week reduces the risk of sudden cardiac death by 79 percent. It cuts heart attack risk, both in men who exercise and eat right and in men with hypertension. It also protects against type-2 diabetes and gallstones. In middle-aged women, moderate consumption of alcohol is associated with a 17% reduction in death from all causes.


I'll quit smoking one day, I promise! )

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey! My liver would be very happy to know that, don't know if I should let him know, though.
Hope u're doing good. I'm currently in the US, and hopefully will be here until May, working. Feel like dropping by?