May 27, 2007

Work/live convergence

At the office full of twentysomethings where my girlfriend, Niki, works, everyone was comparing their salaries, and the owner of the company got really angry. And his being angry made for a tough week, so Niki asked him if she could take Friday off.

He said, “If you’re going to be successful you need to start putting your career before your life.”

Of course she took the day off.

When she told her mother about the situation, her mother said, “If you don’t put your life before work you will never be happy.”

Hearing this conflicting advice from two of the most influential elders in your life is confusing. What does Niki’s boss say to his kids when he gets home? Does he tell them to put work before life? What would Niki’s mom say to young people she works with? Would she tell them to go home early?

This whole notion of needing to separate work and life implies that your career, which takes up about 75% of your day, is something you simply try to get through so you can go home and do what you really enjoy for the other 25%. What a terrible way to live.

Interesting post at

The main thing is that you really enjoy your work so that it does not leave your interests and potential unrealized. Plus, very important is that your friends and/or family members work with you. Plus a maximally flexible working schedule.

The answer is own business

1 comment:

Andrew said...

if you run your own business and love your work, there is a danger that you are so engaged with work that you do not dedicate enough time to your family!